But what is really holding globalization back is the lack of labor mobility.
Plastics industry is currently a serious lack of labor, lack of industry, according to statistics received secondary or higher education level of workers, thousands of people.
Key constraints include poor physical infrastructure, inefficient product markets, lack of credit, and weak land and labor markets.
The cost growth and efficiency falling of labor resource in China result from surplus of low class labor force and lack of high class labor force in industry distribution.
However, it focus on post-management, such as strengthening quality management and improving labor productivity, and is lack of control cost in design process.
Nanjing has advantages in labor, capital, industrial structure and economic geographic location, but is lack of high manufacturing tech and industry of scale.
There is a lack of funding to work in labor service cooperation, and the building of the labor market is imbalanced.
In addition, the labor time is short which help to reduce harm to the mother and baby lack of oxygen.
But several factors restrict the realization of reasonable and orderly migrating of rural labor such as low cultural quality and lack of skills and conception lag behind and etc.
When an enterprise is lack of strength to create its own brand, to fund a brand jointly is a good and labor saving method.
These analysis research divorce question on most all the social environment change, the population analyze, lack attention to marriage of rural labor migration family itself.
There is lack of laws and regulations in China for labor dispute treatment during Ding Gang Internship(DGI).
Sluggish rates of investment in equipment and structures could point to a lack of capital per unit of labor, further weakening productivity.
Perhaps because it is now customary in Japan to mass produce manga with the "assistant" system and its attendant division of labor, there are too many works which lack visual cohesiveness and unity.
Employment experts fear the lack of communication could create a shortage of us skilled labor because retiring baby boomers aren't passing on their knowledge and experience.
He has no assistant, the lack of experience, tools, so do nothing to a lot of labor, for long time.
Traditional mechanical removal method is labor-intensive and lack of efficiency, and chemical method would pollute marine environment.
Traditional mechanical removal method is labor-intensive and lack of efficiency, and chemical method would pollute marine environment.