Lack of the knowledge gained from experience.
Results The nursing students is lack of the knowledge and ability about the healthy education.
They did not give positive conclusion due to lack of the knowledge of the equation of state of the product.
Result: Traditional concept, legal system and lack of the knowledge of donating cadaver affect the civil will most.
But the cause of inefficient teaching of literacy is teachers 'lack of the knowledge of science of Chinese characters.
The problem in the logistics costs accounting is the inaccurate calculation for lack of the knowledge about logistics costs, and the activity-based accounting can solve it.
I grew up living in northern rural areas, thinking myself not lack of the knowledge with birds, but for this continuous chirping bird like a soprano, it was also very strange to me.
Lack of the knowledge of the British and American culture will often lead to cultural interference and cultural shock on the part of the students who are studying authentic English material.
They tend to take words literally which cause superficial and mistaken understanding because of a lack of the knowledge of vocabulary with many meanings, unusual use, slang, proverbs and idioms.
But now many software productions require users to input information again and again instead of reading data from address book since the programmers are lack of the knowledge of access address book.
That lack of curiosity produces a relative lack of knowledge, and the lack of knowledge is difficult if not impossible to compensate for later on.
There is a lack of knowledge about the tax system.
To address this lack of knowledge in the test team, tools such as penetration testing and fuzzing are becoming popular.
The prey may be just a few feet away and still be entirely out of reach because, say, I lack the speed, knowledge, skills or tools to capture it.
Fear of contagion, lack of knowledge that TB can be cured and the failure of communities to discuss the disease openly all play a role in fuelling this fear.
Lack of knowledge of the different parts of the project was identified as something to be improved, and was selected for focus from all topics suggested by team members.
A lack of food knowledge and cooking skills, coupled with the rise of cheap, processed foods, is most definitely to blame for this new epidemic.
Denial of illness, or anosognosia, literally lack of knowledge of disease, is a common sequel of the type of brain injury received by Wilson.
Is it due to a lack of knowledge on how to approach BPM in the cloud or the uncertainty and fear of the unknown?
One obstacle to healthy eating at fast food restaurants is the lack of knowledge of the nutritional content of your favorite items.
This is embodied in the lack of knowledge of objective things and the paranoia in subjective perception of things.
Thus, I may not be a source of good advice about getting into this business, but when has the lack of knowledge stopped a blogger?
You have the lack of knowledge.
Living with the knowledge of the disease and lack of preventive measures were reasons given for declining.
The low-level nature of the DOM API, incorrect application of methods and programming patterns, and lack of knowledge of the full API all contributed to the increase in the number of code lines.
DOMAPI的低级本质、方法和编程模式的不正确应用以及缺乏完整 API 的知识,都会致使代码行数增加。
What contributed to the increase in the number of code lines were the low-level nature of the DOM API, incorrect application of methods and programming patterns, and lack of knowledge of the full API.
And because of that, may lack the knowledge of what "being a man" is.
Existing security solutions, such as intrusion detection systems (IDSes), lack the knowledge of database protocols and structures required to detect inappropriate activities.
Lack of knowledge (the kid didn't have the complete knowledge of knife).
Lack of knowledge (the kid didn't have the complete knowledge of knife).