A large fishing net is spread out to dry in Kiryamboga, a village on Lake Albert.
A fisherman on Lake Albert idles near the wreck of the S.S. Robert Coryndon, a relic of the Rift's colonial past.
At the end of July, Congo's army captured four Ugandan soldiers who it claimed had illegally strayed across the border that divides Lake Albert.
Uganda should benefit from recent oil finds in Lake Albert, but many worry tha t its government may spend too much of the cash on the armed forces.
But the Congolese are looking to their bit of Lake Albert in the far North-East, where reserves of 2 billion barrels are said to await exploitation.
TULLOW oil, an Anglo-Irish exploration firm, announced on August 4th that it had struck oil while drilling in Uganda near the shores of Lake Albert.
On the remote western edge of Uganda the land suddenly drops down into the western arm of the Great Rift Valley to reveal the vast expanse of Lake Albert and the blue mountains of Congo beyond.
在乌干达遥远的西部边区,突然之间大地陷入了东非大裂谷(Great Rift)西翼的怀抱,绵延广阔的阿尔伯特湖(Lake Albert)就藏在山谷之中,它的外面就是刚果的蓝山山脉。
Chris Albert jumped into a lake near Temple Crag in the eastern part of the Sierras during a trip with his father and brother Micah (who took this photo).
Due eto his white-grey colour, Albert, who lives in Sagebrush Fine Art in Salt Lake City, Utah, was named after the famous physicist, who was known for his wild, grey hair.
Due eto his white-grey colour, Albert, who lives in Sagebrush Fine Art in Salt Lake City, Utah, was named after the famous physicist, who was known for his wild, grey hair.