In the countryside, the prospect of a wave of expiring land-use rights could prove even thornier.
Sales of land-use rights to developers increased by 70% last year, helping property prices rise 6.4% compared with 2009.
The gap between revenue and expenditure is filled by "entrepreneurial governance", including transfer of land-use rights.
Its peasants were encouraged to give up their land-use rights to a dairy company, which used the fields to produce fodder.
But contrary to the villagers' advertising, it is hardly path-breaking. Peasants have been legally trading land-use rights for years.
The rights and obligations of each side, Mr Cotula says, are usually extremely vague, while traditional land-use rights are frequently ignored.
The new plan promises something similar in the countryside. It allows farmers "to lease their contracted farmland or transfer their land-use rights".
Article 37 Intangible assets include special techniques, patent rights, trademark rights, Copyrights, land-use rights, other permits and initial cost.
We are looking at the impact of recent cases on property rights, municipal land use cases, owning disputes.
The term "income from lease of property" shall mean income derived by individuals from the lease of buildings, land use rights, machinery, equipment, means of transportation and other property.
If after sale of land use rights collateral, the bank once exercise Mortgages, together with the land use rights to land new housing auction houses will face a situation of the housing landless.
We will also carry out comprehensive audits in those areas which are of high concern to the public, including the revenue on the transfer of land use rights and transfer of mining rights.
Rural land management laws passed in 1998 and 2002 also required villages to provide farmers with written contracts certifying their land use rights.
Intangible assets include land use rights and patents, and are initially recorded at actual cost.
Civil law and common law countries have a quite different system of land use rights.
If any persons with land use rights or building ownership or use rights in airport areas are altered, the relevant airport-stationed units must report to the SAMCO for record.
Therefore, government should take various measures to speed up the course of capitalization of land use rights.
Land Ownership; Land Use Rights; Separation Rights; Right Expansion.
The transfer of rural land use Rights has played an important role in the course of rural land reform, it is important to analysis on efficiency.
Under limit land use condition in China, it should be pay more attention to the influence of left use years of land use rights to replacement cost.
Advising on transaction, auction, tender of land use rights.
The rural collective land property is a whole series of properties. Land proprietary rights and land use rights are the primary content of rural collective land property system currently in China.
Upon Party a's consent to the renewal, Party B shall again carry out the procedures for the grant of Land Use Rights.
Upon Party a's consent to the renewal, Party B shall again carry out the procedures for the grant of Land Use Rights.