The detailed scheme of land reclamation planning;
Land reclamation planning is the key of the whole Land reclamation project, and also foundations of subsequent works.
The evaluation of unreclaimed land productive potential in surface coal mine are keys for promulgating land reclamation planning in the mine.
The establishment of land reclamation information system based on GIS in mine is of great significance to the land resource management and land reclamation planning decisions.
The survey and evaluation of the destroyed land waiting to be reclaimed are the necessary premises to constitute the reclamation planning of the land.
Basis on the practical work, the paper analyses and draws up the land arrangement and reclamation and exploitation planning in Weishi county.
Then, the reusing modes of reclamation land were planned generally, and the scheme planning of the irrigation system and the economical evaluation of the reclamation were made.
The accurate simulation and prediction of the land utilization evolution of mine, is an important basis for determining the land use planning, land reclamation measures.
The accurate simulation and prediction of the land utilization evolution of mine, is an important basis for determining the land use planning, land reclamation measures.