When you meet danger in a foreign land, do not give up! Please remember, at your back stands a strong motherland.
At the end, Mubarak took pride in the claim that he would not quit the land, would not give up his country to chaos.
If, in future scenarios, it's going to go up to something like 50 percent, we're looking at a very high demand for land management at all levels on the landscape.
Thus they made a covenant at Beersheba: then Abimelech rose up, and Phichol the chief captain of his host, and they returned into the land of the Philistines.
I don't know what it is rushes up in me at the sight of this dark, swift moving current, but a great exultation lifts me up, affirms the deep wish that is in me never to leave this land.
It spread slowly from college to college before arriving at the railway station, whence it zoomed up and down the land in the trains' slipstreams.
Now it aims to speed up the methane production cycle from years to a matter of days at the same time as cutting the need for more land to bury garbage.
The plan was to land at Sarajevo, cycle to Split in Croatia, ride up the coast and across to Ljubljana to fly home.
The Israelis would also give up a little more of the West Bank and probably a larger land swap than Barak's last best offer, but they would keep enough to hold at least 80 percent of the settlers.
In those days, and at that time, will I cause the Branch of righteousness to grow up unto David; and he shall execute judgment and righteousness in the land.
On July 8th reports of a draft bill aimed at settling the terms on which mining companies can acquire and exploit land ended up sending the shares of firms in the industry lower rather than higher.
With wind speeds of up to 125mph, cyclone Klaus struck land at the point of the estuary of the river Gironde, near Bordeaux, then charged south-east to Spain and across the Mediterranean to Italy.
Barry Schwartz at Search Engine Land received a tip from @jblukin and @dacort, who offered up pics of the new feature.
搜索引擎之地(Search EngineLand)的巴里·施瓦茨(BarrySchwartz)从@ jblukin和@dacort得到了新功能的截图。
As at Dale Farm, a group of gypsies bought greenbelt land and moved on to it in May, applying only after that for permission to set up their caravans there.
On the way to Antarctica, he picked up at least 69 sled dogs to pull the explorers on the long trek across land.
Demand for food in these countries will also double, which, at their current low levels of agricultural productivity, will drive up demand for forest land.
And the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at Shiloh, and set up the tabernacle of the congregation there. And the land was subdued before them.
At home, Prince Philip and I will be visiting towns and cities up and down the land.
Putting unused land to new use, while teaching the value of organic gardening and environmental awareness: Food Up Front is yet another friend of Tzu Chi, at work in a foreign land.
So why go diving? Transport yourself for a moment into outer space and look back at where you came from. You were on a tiny speck of land sticking up out of the vast oceans of a blue planet.
When the wind blew from the land he caught nothing, or but little at best, for it was a bitter and black - winged wind, and rough waves rose up to meet it.
They get small Sis at Lan wave building front vacant land up fight snow battle.
At up to 92 feet (28 meters) and 50 tons, these sauropods (large, herbivorous dinosaurs) were much larger than any land animal alive today.
I looked up and saw the moon had risen. At the same time, the voice of one of the crew shouted: 'Land!
I looked up and saw the moon had risen. At the same time, the voice of one of the crew shouted: 'Land!