The new regulation by the General Administration of Press and Publication earlier this week banned the use of Chinglish buzzwords created by netizens for publishing in the Chinese language.
In general linguistics has for goal to uncover and formulate the hidden underlying rules and laws that govern language and its use in the life of humans.
In general, you should always use XML: lang in your XML documents to specify the language the document is written in.
This book content explains the profound in simple language, the language is easy to understand, suits the general populations to read the use, is also a medical worker's fast browsing handbook.
One of the general principles in language use is the Economy principle, which means that fewer words should be used to express more information in order to be concise and succinct.
In general use Comorin language, the official language is Comorin, French and Arabian language.
Figurative use of language is an important means to structure word meanings, but the simple distinction between literal-figurative meanings is rather general in understanding figurative USES.
I have developed new language skills as well as general learning skills in ELC classes that I will be able to use later in my career.
There is a general consensus in language teaching that the use of authentic materials is beneficial to students' communicative competence.
There is a general consensus in language teaching that the use of authentic materials is beneficial to students' communicative competence.