Similar to setting the default language for the knowledge base, you also need to set the decision plan's default language to Chinese too.
The knowledge base uses English as its natural language processing language, so for this scenario you need to change the default language to Chinese.
In addition, heritage-language retention provides access to the cultural knowledge base and undergirds a strong(er) ethnic identity and cultural pride.
ITalki: a language exchange with a Yahoo! Answers-style QnA site, and a wiki-based public knowledge base for 10 different languages.
Extends the base knowledge query and manipulation language (KQML) to support multi-agent group re-keying protocols and secure group communication protocol.
The present research will integrate these language data resources into one unified and comprehensive language knowledge-base.
In 2004 we start to integrate some of them aiming at building a comprehensive language knowledge-base.
The scale and quality of the knowledge-base decides the success or failure of the natural language processing system.
A law knowledge base is created by XML on the basis of analyzing the law language, and the application of the law knowledge base is discussed...
A universal system model about database natural language interface, which separates the programming from Knowledge-Base is constructed.
The Chinese semantic knowledge base system is a very important part of language knowledge engineering of Chinese semantic resource in natural language processing.
A logic programming language EXLOGL based on extended PROLOG is proposed and its interpreting system architecture, knowledge base structure and deductive solution principle are discussed.
Study the inter-embed technology between the CLIPS and the advanced language, using database to design CLIPS's knowledge base.
研究CLIPS与高级语言的相互嵌入。 并且用关系数据库建造了CLIPS事实库。
NT1 is a conformance test system based on the knowledge base for the relational database SQL language standard.
NT 1是基于知积库的关系数据库sql标准一致性测试系统。
The authors' aim was setting up a Chinese Abbreviation Language Knowledge-base, which was used for restoring abbreviation by computer.
Then introduces emphatically description logic and language ALC based on description logic, giving example for the ontology-based knowledge base.
The knowledge base is expressed by rules and classes in UG/KF language.
The knowledge base is expressed by rules and classes in UG/KF language.