Second language learning strategy theory is an important theory of second language acquisition.
Language learning strategy is a hot research subject in Applied Linguistics over the past 30 years.
The first chapter presents a brief introduction to researches on language learning strategy at home and abroad.
In this research area, the language learning strategy which the learner USES receives researchers' widespread attention.
So far, however, no empirical research has been done to investigate the relationship between foreign language anxiety and language learning strategy use in China.
Teaching aims can be divided as: aims of language skill, aims of language knowledge, aims of emotion and attitude, aims of learning strategy, and aims of cultural notion.
Learning strategy of language is an important factor of influencing the mastering of the second foreign language.
As an important component of classroom teaching strategy, teacher feedback has great influence on students' language learning process.
Listening strategy is one of the important knowledge to make language learning process and language use much easier and smoother.
Learning strategy is one of the important knowledge to make language learning process and language use much easier and smoother.
Based on Cognitive learning Theory and Schema Reading Theory, the paper illustrates the significant role that the learning strategy plays in second language acquisition.
Their studies involved the description of language learning strategies, the relationship between learning strategies and learning achievements, and strategy training, etc.
Among all the factors which influence language learning in our high schools, learning strategy is the most decisive one.
In the course of language learning, different learners choose different learning strategy. Furthermore, the same learner may employ different strategy at different learning stage.
By meta cognitive strategy we mean a general management of procedures for effective learning of a foreign language such as planning, monitoring and evaluating.
Language learning strategies comprise of learner-centered strategy, co-operation strategy, self-narration strategy, diary and evaluation sheet strategy, resources strategy.
Research indicates that strategy training can help students to improve their performance in language learning.
And the metacognitive strategy, as a new research direction in recent years, increasingly arouse interest of strategy researchers because of its significant effect on language learning.
So far, research on learning strategies has pointed to the powerful role of metacognition in language learning and the potential for greater use of metacognitive strategy in learning process.
The findings demonstrate the necessity in the systematic training of language learning strategies and strategy instruction for college English teachers.
This paper first defines "strategy", and then analyzes the definition and classification of language learning strategies.
The classification of foreign language learning strategies is one of the five controversial issues in the foreign language strategy research field.
Promoted by the study of the second language acquisition and learning strategy, listening strategy training has been carrying out systematically from the 1990s.
Strategy research is the result of shifting research from language teaching to language learning.
A considerable amount of strategy research has focused on the identification, description and classification of language learning strategies.
Meanwhile, the use of Chinese learning Strategy is influenced by individual factors such as gender, age, native language, time length in learning Chinese, Chinese level, etc.
It analyzes"the comprehensive learning of language"from both theoretical and practical perspectives and brought forward feasible operation strategy.
Learning strategy has been a buzzword in foreign language teaching in the recent twenty years.
This strategy provides more chances for learners to communicate in two-way communication in the target language and stimulates learners motivation in learning the language.
In the last several decades learning strategy studies have been one of the hottest topics in the field of language learning and teaching.