Two solving methods are deduced using Laplace transform: the direct solving method and the state-space method.
The creep of a skin layer under a distributed surface pressure was solved by an analytical method using Hankel transform and Laplace transform.
At first, we get the integro-differential equation satisfied by the expected discounted penalty function by using the method of renewal, and hence Laplace transform of it is derived.
A method to solve transient temperature field probleems of thin plates by using combination of BEM and the Laplace transform is described.
Their results show that the dynamic boundary element method is effective in the analysis of soil-structure interaction. boundary integral equation, potential function. Laplace transform.
A method for determining kinetics rate constants of complex reactions by using Laplace transform is proposed.
The laplace-transform method is only applicable to the frequency domain analysis for linear circuits.
The actual solutions can be acquired by inverting the Laplace-Hankel transform. The influence of Poisson's ratio, pumping method and time on the surface displacement of multi-layered soil is analyzed.
The actual solutions can be acquired by inverting the Laplace-Hankel transform. The influence of Poisson's ratio, pumping method and time on the surface displacement of multi-layered soil is analyzed.