According to the 4-inch-wide arthropod, the entire planet-once nothing more than a large, tedious mass of molten rock-has really taken shape recently.
What does matter a lot is Eris' surprisingly large mass, which means it has considerably more rock underneath its icy surface than Pluto.
When a large mass of dirt and rock falls into a body of water very quickly the water is displaced and starts racing away from the slide.
On the basis of unloading tests of rock sample, the deformation and fracture features of unloaded rock mass are studied in conjunction with fracture systems of some large excavation project.
Boulder: also bowlder, a large rounded mass of rock lying on the surface of the ground or embedded in the soil.
Rock mass quality assessment plays an important role in the security for all kinds of large-scale buildings, especially for the underground buildings.
As the groundwork and environment of constructions in large scale projects, engineering rock mass is the geological structural mass composed of rock blocks and discontinuities.
The results indicate that the extension of SSRDEM is correct, and three dimensional SSRDEM is efficacious in modeling the discontinuous large deformation of rock mass.
Water inflow in long and large tunnel has intimate relationship with the feature of groundwater and rock mass.
The surrounding rock between tunnel and karst cave possibly brings large deformation and rock mass failure because of stress concentration, and its stability is focused seriously.
The rebar bolts reinforcement improves the confining pressure near excavation and suppresses the large shear dilatation of rock mass.
Tension-compression alternating regions can be formed around the rock mass during excavation process. The zonal disintegration phenomena may be brought when the geostress is too large.
It can simulate rock mass materials in a large range. It is an ideal geological mechanics model similar materials.
It can simulate rock mass materials in a large range. It is an ideal geological mechanics model similar materials.