Da Vinci's is the most well known last Supper, but it's joined by more than 50 other noteworthy interpretations produced in the last millennium.
The Thursday night before is when he has the Last Supper with his disciples.
The Last Supper, one of the most famous and valuable paintings in the world, depicts the meal shortly before Christ's death when he announced to his disciples that one of them would betray him.
There may be more important works of art, like the David or the Last Supper or the Sistine Chapel, but for sheer charm there's nothing like these 15th-century frescoes by Mantegna.
For instance, Catholics take the words of the Last Supper more literally than Protestants.
This work is clearly connected with the Last Supper: the Christ has the same ethereal and elusive quality as the faded figure at the centre of Leonardo's sublime mural.
This would put the Passover meal — and the Last Supper — on the Wednesday, explaining how such a large number of events took place between the meal and the crucifixion.
While Matthew, Mark and Luke all say the Last Supper coincided with the start of the Jewish festival of Passover, John claims it took place before Passover.
Da Vinci began working on The Last Supper in 1495, and finished it in 1498.
The one picture missing from this period is “The Last Supper”, which is painted on a wall.
In their many manifestations, pots resonate throughout human history, from the most primitive domestic meal or drink to the Last Supper; from a nomadic snack to an international banquet.
Nancy:Da Vinci painted the Last Supper. I use active voice to emphasize the artist.
The authors of the study wanted to find out if lifestyle changes in the general population affected the amount of food served in paintings of the Last Supper.
Even those who get to Milan have a hard time gaining admission to see the "Last Supper." Visits have been made more difficult by measures to protect it.
In leonardo Da Vinci's last supper where judas has knocked over the saltcellar the painter was mirroring an old tradition.
Then I read Rosalind Miles's book The Women's History of the World (recently republished as Who Cooked the Last Supper?) and I knew I needed to look again.
后来我阅读了Rosalind Miles的《女人的世界史》(最近更名为《谁做了最后的晚餐? 》再版),我知道我需要再看一遍。
MoLab can even track an artist's style and methods - in 2005, the team found a sketch for da Vinci's the Last Supper under the surface of another one of his paintings at London's National Gallery.
Officials put online an image of the "Last Supper" at 16 billion pixels(1) — 1,600 times stronger than the images taken with the typical 10 million pixel digital camera.
A painting of the Last Supper, hanging in the principle cathedral of the ancient Inca capital of Cuzco, depicts Christ and the 12 disciples dining on Guinea pig.
A painting of the Last Supper, hanging in the principle cathedral of the ancient Inca capital of Cuzco, depicts Christ and the 12 disciples dining on Guinea pig.