Last delivery day: second business day following the last trading day of the delivery month.
These are just a few of the 90,000 new trading accounts opened each and every day in China in this bull market, 35% more than just last year.
The futures contracts outstanding must be settled by delivery of the underlying asset or by cash on the last trading day.
The last trading day of 2010 in Asia turned out to be a very quiet one with no real news or data and the US Dollar remaining hobbled against its counterparts.
Step 3 - Monitor the stock's trading during the last 30 minutes before the close, and enter only if the stock is closing strong near it's high price of the day.
This progress report is updated on the last trading day of each month.
This report is updated on the last trading day of each month.
It is trading softly on the last day of the year, but that doesn't take away from its solid 2010 performance when it rose 10 per cent driven by the mining sector.
It is trading softly on the last day of the year, but that doesn't take away from its solid 2010 performance when it rose 10 per cent driven by the mining sector.