Still, the last mile remains elusive.
The last mile down the hill would be the longest.
I dismissed the carriage and walked the last mile.
But individual agents still handle the “last mile”.
Such companies are the so-called "last mile" providers.
She finished the run to Portland, completing her last mile with the governor of Oregon.
Finally, the "last mile" of mail delivery can be used to further filter offending e-mails.
最后,邮件交付的“最后一步(last mile)”可用于进一步过滤不希望的电子邮件。
These six OASIS SCA TCs plan to address the tough 'last mile' of SOA project implementation.
This last mile will perhaps be more difficult to grind out than all the ones that came before it.
Maybe Sun can even take MySQL the last mile it needs to go to replace Oracle for even the largest databases.
This is the most expensive place to lay networks and the last mile of cable is faster than a copper wire.
No network, however, can run faster than the speed of its “last mile”, from the neighbourhood node to the house.
ADSL is a copper loop transmission technique that solves the bottleneck problem associated with the last mile.
B2C enterprise is in loudly construction logistics distribution system, deal with the "last mile" distribution.
No network, however, can run faster than the speed of its "last mile", from the neighbourhood node to the house.
Leverage of application market places and the ecosystem, system Integrators and Software Vendors, for last mile.
The last mile I performed on foot, having dismissed the chaise and driver with the double remuneration I had promised.
But gaps remain in closing “the last mile” of this research and translating it into practical measures for large-scale impact.
I was the lion who gave the Horses the new strength of fear for the last mile so that you should reach King Lune in time.
What about the train, and the bus? Can smoothly from the county back to the village? This year, the last mile is even more!
This is an extremely delicate operation, if you will, and we are carefully helping Gaia to go the last mile and get it over with.
Well-understood methods can reduce the strain that large downloads create on the core network, even if they do not help with the last mile.
This technology now reaches more than 70% of homes (see chart) and, unlike Verizon, the cable companies did not have to pay to replace the last mile.
It provides the "last mile" of management, interfacing directly with the platform hypervisor and extending APIs out to larger infrastructure-management solutions.
For although telegraph wires could deliver news more rapidly than ever, they had a "last mile" problem: they could not disseminate news quickly to thousands of people.
PHS technology is also a popular option for providing a wireless local loop, where it is used for bridging the "last mile" gap between the POTS network and the subscriber's home.
Stringing wires or laying cables is expensive, so a company that owns a connection that runs to the side of your house-the so-called "last mile" -has tremendous power over potential rivals.
That way, a service promised by Global Crossing on its fiber optic network will be extended all the way to a customer's door — even if another company carries the service that last mile.
That way, a service promised by Global Crossing on its fiber optic network will be extended all the way to a customer's door — even if another company carries the service that last mile.