It is set forth that the limit value of lateral deflection is remained to be discussed further.
The effect of ground settlement and lateral deflection on damage of buried pipelines is studied.
Under the condition that other factors are the same, lateral deflection increases as eccentricity or member height increases.
The ground surface settlement and lateral deflection of retaining wall for deep excavations are calculated using nonlinear finite element method.
Iterative formulas of nodal rotational Angle and lateral deflection of truss panel and fixed-moment in end-fixing Vierendeel truss subjected to vertical loads are presented in this paper.
Initial deflection of the floor beam of a project by lateral loads and co-axial role occurs because of the construction defects.
According to the way of thinking of Geologic Strata Lose, a formula is deduced to estimate the surface settlement behind retain wall by the lateral wall deflection.
When the initial deflection of a long pipe subjected to lateral loads is large, the effect of the initial deflection on critical buckling force for the pipe must be considered.
For the movable TVC, the thrust and lateral forces with respect to nozzle deflection angles and the depth of water were obtained.
The load-deflection characteristics of anchoring section of prestressed cable, lateral resistance distribution as well as axial load distribution of anchoring section are studied.
The theoretical studies and the experimental results show that the bandwidth of fiber grating is sensitive and linear to deflection and lateral force.
The deformation of frame-tube structure under the lateral load is constituted by both shear and bend deflections. The effect of shear lag must be considered for the bend deflection.
This paper gives the exact solution of large deflection of circular sandwich plate under the action of uniform lateral load by the method of power series.
This paper presents a new solution of the large deflection dynamic response of stiffened plates under lateral impact loading.
Based on result of lateral actions test, gives load-deflection curves for infilled frames. Influence of aspect ratio on response of infilled frames is analyzed.
The influence of the initial deflection on the nonlinear lateral free vibration of drill stem is discussed.
The lateral wall deflection is an important cause which results in ground surface displacement and settlement around an excavation.
The load-deflection characteristics of inclined excavated foundations of transmission lines in homogeneous soil under lateral loads are analyzed using a 3-D numerical simulation model.
The load-deflection characteristics of inclined excavated foundations of transmission lines in homogeneous soil under lateral loads are analyzed using a 3-D numerical simulation model.