Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayst be wise in thy latter end.
That a blessing may come upon thee from him, and his blessing may remain in the latter end.
O that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter end!
So the LORD blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning: for he had fourteen thousand sheep, and six thousand camels, and a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she asses.
Let them bring them forth, and shew us what shall happen: let them shew the former things, what they be, that we may consider them, and know the latter end of them; or declare us things for to come.
Having campaigned against the war in Iraq while emphasising the need to do more in Afghanistan, Mr Obama will face a continuing temptation to end the former war while reinforcing the latter.
The latter two are simply the "inverse" of the first two, the only difference being whether the end point in question is on the receiving or sending end of the initial message.
If you are naturally on the stiffer end of the spectrum, you may feel more limber if you practice in the latter part of the day, after you have been moving around for a while.
South Africa and the U.S. have yet to report their April Numbers but year-end forecasts say the former could see up to 15% inflation, the latter could see up to 6% inflation.
At each end of the latter the massive sideboards were loaded with the valuable collection of gold and silver plate.
The latter is more difficult because it requires a deep understanding of human capabilities and limitations, but will it get us farther in the end?
It is the end of any searching we might have done in the Third house, and thus rules the latter part of life.
The former determines the end time of the current green phase, and the latter determines which one will be the next phase according to the emergency value.
The latter is based on someone's opinion, while the former is based on the demonstrable improvement in the actual end user's experience.
As for the latter relationship by fitting in the two phases of time the function expressions of the sand discharge capacity and tonnage is gained in the end.
As for the latter relationship, by fitting in the two phases of time, the function expressions of the sand discharge capacity and tonnage is gained in the end.
The latter supports the customer end to transfer as the overall data.
The classical Chinese aesthetics put an end to its summing-up state in the latter half of the 19th century, which might be marked by Liu Xizhai, a great master.
There will be a resurrection of both the saved and the lost at the end, the former to everlasting life in Heaven, the latter to everlasting punishment in Hell.
South Africa and the U. S. have yet to report their April Numbers but year-end forecasts say the former could see up to 15% inflation, the latter could see up to 6% inflation.
South Africa and the U. S. have yet to report their April Numbers but year-end forecasts say the former could see up to 15% inflation, the latter could see up to 6% inflation.