Clean out laundry tub after use.
Clean out laundry tub after use.
Wipe down laundry benches and wall behind laundry tub and bench.
Do you spend all day fantasizing about curling up on the couch at midnight with a bag of potato chips and a tub of ice cream after doing the last round of laundry?
There happened to be a bath-tub for the servants in the laundry building, and he electrified Joe by taking a cold bath.
Quick clean of the bathroom(s), including a wipe down of sink, toilet and tub, and quick clean of floor. Throw rugs in laundry.
And when the tub isn't being used for laundry, it can be used to transport water for the family.
Into the tub she went and another load of sheets was brought downstairs to the laundry.
The washing machine includes a water tub, a rotary drum mounted in the water tub to receive laundry, and a circulation unit to supply water from the water tub into the rotary drum.
I have a bath tub, due to morewater than take a shower with shower, so we will often take a shower with water used to wash clothes, and laundry water to flush the toilet, mopping the floor.
I have a bath tub, due to morewater than take a shower with shower, so we will often take a shower with water used to wash clothes, and laundry water to flush the toilet, mopping the floor.