In the middle, contained in a giant soup-bowl-shaped spatter cone, was a stunning sight: a lake of lava.
Standing on the crater floor, he couldn't see the lake itself, which was above him within the cone of cooled lava.
The hardened lava extends some 4 miles (6 kilometers) from the cinder cone, and is about 100 feet (30 meters) thick.
The current stratovolcano-a cone-shaped volcano built from successive layers of thick lava flows and eruption products like ash and rock fragments-is built on top of an older stratovolcano.
The current stratovolcano — a cone-shaped volcano built from successive layers of thick lava flows and eruption products like ash and rock fragments — is built on top of an older stratovolcano.
All types of volcanic cone, crater, lava platform, lava flow lakes and other volcanic landscape is very prominent, constitute a magnificent volcanic tourist landscape.
There are several levels of lava platform in the park, the main ring lava ring platform, ring volcanic cone lava platform and the overflow of lava platform, large area, gentle slope.
A hornito is a small rootless spatter cone that forms on the surface of a basaltic lava flow (usually pahoehoe).
There are 59 Cenozoic cones, the volcanic texture of which may be classified into cone, dome, lava lake and maar.
工作区内琼北新生代火山共计5 9个,火山结构类型可分为火山锥、熔岩穹、熔岩湖与低平火山口等。
The colonists were desirous of reaching the plain upon which the superior cone of Mount Franklin had fallen, but the lava arrested their progress.
The colonists were desirous of reaching the plain upon which the superior cone of Mount Franklin had fallen, but the lava arrested their progress.