The most important thing is that you lay on the bed for a couple minutes in the store the same way you would lay on it at home.
A little way off the crocodile lay blinking in the sun, with his sharp teeth and whity-yellow jaws wide open.
The way out is to lay the foundations for sustainable growth in consumption.
Smith became convinced that the problem with the Maples lay in some detail of the way they were constructed.
Every night we lay down in our beds, our consciousness enters a different state and then we stay that way for the next 8 hours.
Sam’s Club and Costco don’t have the trial periods, and they don’t let you lay on the beds in the store, so I’m wondering if Sears is the same way.
There lack a systematic analysis tool in the lay of hotel group regional expand, in particular at the aspect of feasibility analysis to the regional expand and scientific choose the expand way.
It is the way ancient architects lay out things in the gardens that mkes them unique.
I think it is time for us to lay down our face, live the way we are, don't live in other's eyes.
People should lay down their face, live the way they are, don't live in others' eyes.
It is the way ancient architects lay out things in the gardens that makes them unique.
In this way, we can lay the foundation for long-term economic growth in both of our countries.
At the end of the article, it validates the way of gray scale control, and gets a good display effect, which lay the foundation for domestic electronic paper display control in future.
Lay your card out onto the table, and arrange your paper patterns on to the card in the most economical way.
In that way, the characters of children's affective decision making could be observed from the lay of behavior.
In this way the purpose is to cause children to aspire to the outside world, motivate and inspire them to study hard and lay the foundation for their future.
One-way ANOVA was again used to decide significant differences in the use of strategy categories. This was followed by multiple comparisons using LSD to identify where the differences lay.
Only in this way can we cultivate and improve the ability and marketing performance of the marketing team and lay a good foundation for publishers to achieve the operational objectives.
"We think it could have used its speed to evade predators and its climbing abilities to scale trees and lay eggs on leaves, much in the same way that modern forest cockroaches do today," he said.
And both that morninig equally lay . In leaves no step had trodden black . Oh , I kept the first for another day ! Yet knowing how way leads on to way , I doubt if I should ever come back .
Never has that curtain dropped so heavy and blank, as when my way in life lay stretched out straight before me through the newly-entered road of apprenticeship to Joe.
Never has that curtain dropped so heavy and blank, as when my way in life lay stretched out straight before me through the newly-entered road of apprenticeship to Joe.