Officials are laying the groundwork for a summit conference of world leaders.
These are lies background discussion, laying the groundwork for the following studies.
But this is being overcome in a very Japanese way: by laying the groundwork for deals in advance.
Gorbachev was also now ready to start laying the groundwork for an orderly Soviet troop withdrawal.
The first six chapters of the book are dedicated to laying the groundwork for teaching web search skills.
Yet shifts in the pattern of global growth and the dollar are laying the groundwork for a boom in exports.
Some other analysts offer a fourth idea: that Mr Putin may be laying the groundwork for staying on after March 2008.
We have been laying the groundwork for this initiative for some time now, with great support from the academic community.
However, a Tweet from 3 suggests that something is definitely afoot right now and that the carrier could be laying the groundwork for 4g already.
In the 20th century, we sent a generation of veterans to college on the G.I. Bill, laying the groundwork for our great middle class and decades of prosperity.
His main economic initiative aims to simplify an incredibly cumbersome system of state-based sales taxes, laying the groundwork for a national value-added tax.
In the 20th century, we sent a generation of veterans to college on the G. I. Bill, laying the groundwork for our great middle class and decades of prosperity.
This pilot program is aimed at accumulating experience, establishing rules and laying the groundwork for fostering a large number of outstanding teachers and educators.
The plan has made it possible for operators to widen their networks and make use of more Numbers, as well as laying the groundwork for more operators to enter the market.
Keep in mind that establishing a good relationship is critical not only to receiving the best deal but also to laying the groundwork for a positive start with your new company.
The best way to help your business achieve the success you wish is by laying the proper groundwork for the business in its inception.
Dahl says she and her colleagues are now "laying the groundwork" for how they might safely begin to test the vessels in human patients.
Dahl says she and her colleagues are now "laying the groundwork" for how they might safely begin to test the vessels in human patients.