Lazy load and cache your Dojo content.
The sample code implements this lazy load pattern (Listing 20).
WebSphere eXtreme Scale supports lazy load directly through its loader facility.
This way, not only can I lazy load the HTML content, I can also load the associated logic lazily.
If you cannot identify a working set ahead of time, then a lazy load is the next best option for filling a cache.
'Lazy loading' tells NHibernate not to load an object from the database until the application needs to access its data.
'lazy loading '告知NHibernate不要从数据库表中加载这个类对象,直到程序中需要访问这个对象的数据时才加载。
Lazy load all images without configurations. It helps to decrease number of requests and improve page loading time.
The EF will be able to lazy load navigation properties that are marked virtual, even when the other properties are not.
The problem is that you negate (or make it extremely complicated to) lazy load content, especially if you include all your widgets as part of a build.
With the lazy load improvements, data for each page is read when the page is accessed, avoiding performance degradation, and greatly increasing the number of pages that a single portal can host.
The assumption on a lazy-load strategy is that once a piece of data has been loaded into the cache it will likely be used again.
One of the demos shows how to create a searchable TreeView, the other demonstrates how to implement lazy-loading (a.k.a. load-on-demand).
Note that class loading can be performed in a lazy manner and therefore some parts of the class loading process may be done on first use of the class rather than at load time.
Whenever an Employee is loaded, Hibernate does not automatically load the Address because the association between these objects is lazy.
The runtime USES these hints to help settle tradeoffs between lazy dependency load and efficient binding to the dependency.
The paper introduces the lazy-loaded mechanism to solve the problem, the method can load parts of XML document to memory according to the query, therefore, avoids unnecessary space cost.
The paper introduces the lazy-loaded mechanism to solve the problem, the method can load parts of XML document to memory according to the query, therefore, avoids unnecessary space cost.