If one bank raises interest rates, all the others will follow their lead.
World Bank Chief Economist Nicholas Stern believes it is important for the rich countries to take the lead in negotiating a fair outcome to the Cancun negotiations.
Nevertheless, I'll follow the lead of a restaurant that opened in an empty bank building and then advertised: "Put your mouth where your money was."
Bank shares were particularly hard hit amid concerns that falling asset prices would lead to more write-downs; those of Citigroup fell by 23% in a day.
Ms Lagarde bested the head of Mexico's central bank, agustin Carstens, in the contest to lead the IMF.
In fact, a lower debt-to-equity ratio could actually lead a bank to take on more risks in order to make up for the loss of leverage.
It is in a bank manager's interest to say his assets have low risk, because it enables the bank to maximize leverage and return on equity, which in turn can lead to bigger pay and bonuses.
The G20 needs to lead the process of communicating a transparent and clear way forward on the unwinding of fiscal, monetary and financial interventions, including bank guarantees.
For countries with very poor levels of governance (as measured by a commonly used World Bank index), small improvements in such things as law enforcement, stability and security lead to more piracy.
It's bad enough that many big Banks have decided not to follow the lead of bank of America (BAC), Wells Fargo (WFC) and a few others in charging steep monthly fees.
非常遗憾的是,许多大银行已决定不追随美国银行(Bank of America)、富国银行(Wells Fargo)和其他几家银行采用收取高额月费的方式。
The product-oriented application silos that comprise most core banking solutions lead to data redundancy for core bank data domains, such as customer and product data.
The World Bank has already estimated that until 2015 the crisis will lead to between 200,000 and 400,000 more children dying every year.
Or you could bank on the future potential of that lead.
That could lead to the resumption of peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank.
Wolfowitz says the World Bank wants to be helpful and will not bog down the process by insisting on being the lead agency.
It could easily lead to a slew of bank defaults-and corporate ones, too.
As the world's most important central bank, the Fed must take the lead.
"The growing South-South cooperation is driven by strong economic complementarities between China and Africa," says Vivien Foster, a World Bank lead economist and co-author of the report.
“Ultimately, the cities hardest hit by climate change will be the ones least prepared,” said Neeraj Prasad, the Lead Environmental Specialist of the World Bank in East Asia and Pacific.
Many wait in refugee camps in the West Bank, Gaza, and neighboring lands for a life of peace and security that they have never been able to lead.
Excess bank reserves will not lead to inflation so long as the Fed can still raise interest rates, which it can.
Under the gold standard, a fall in reserves would lead to the central bank taking crisis measures.
Organisers of the summit, which is backed by the World Bank, hope agreements can be reached that will lead to a doubling of tiger Numbers by 2022.
Instant global communication and rapid international travel can sometimes lead to universal, systemic shocks. A bank meltdown or a virus will not stay isolated.
It is perhaps more likely that the Bank of Japan and the ECB will follow the Fed's lead in extending (albeit modestly) its quantitative easing-or risk a rising exchange rate.
The European Central Bank has already followed the Federal Reserve's lead in raising interest rates; the Bank of Japan has stopped printing lots of money and will start lifting rates soon.
The European Central Bank has already followed the Federal Reserve's lead in raising interest rates; the Bank of Japan has stopped printing lots of money and will start lifting rates soon.