Who would like to lead off the debate?
Striker Abby Wambach gave her team a two to one lead with a header off Lauren Cheney's corner kick in the seventy-ninth minute.
在第79分钟里,前锋阿比·瓦姆巴赫(AbbyWambach)接队友劳伦·切尼(Lauren Cheney)开出的角球头球破门,为本队取得2:1领先。
By taking the lead, the Treasury took the pressure off the Federal Reserve. Quite rightly, the "conservatorship" structure has ensured that the chief executives went and the shareholders suffered.
Eating at inappropriate times may disturb the body's natural rhythm, setting off a string of metabolic reactions that ultimately lead to weight gain.
The progressive result is an accumulation of fatty deposits called plaque that can rupture or have their caps shear off, causing clots that lead to heart attacks.
When we experience extreme emotions it can put us off balance and lead to some unintended behavior and consequences.
The lead plates collect a layer of very fine lead oxide that is often simply shaken off, freeing it to be inhaled or otherwise absorbed into the body.
We'll lead him off, and then Jasper and Alice will run her south.
Moreover, the programme’s eligibility for the credits was questionable, since taking Ecuadorean oil off the market might well lead companies to extract even dirtier sources of petroleum elsewhere.
The affair has knocked only a few points off Ms Rousseff's commanding lead.
I have been invited by Coase to write this lead-off paper on China's economic reforms, not on himself.
They started to lead off a whole industry move toward instant search.
But the chamber argues that a new agency would choke off credit to small businesses, limit consumer choices and lead to higher prices.
Researchers have discovered two ‘detectors' in the tongue that help the body spot sweet food, which could lead to dieting drugs to wean people off biscuits and cakes.
If the fraud allegations were to lead to a run-off, it could take months to organise, ensuring further instability.
The current controversy was the latest casualty of my lifelong effort to lead parallel lives, to wall off my anger and grief and get on with my outer life, which I loved and lived well.
There was a long silence and then Bourne said well all he could think of was that terrier at the Rectory, him and Cookie sometimes played when Cookie got off her lead.
The countless books and news articles about cancer-fighting foods might lead you to think you can ward off this dreaded disease simply by eating better.
So lead off with paper when playing anyone you think isn’t a student of the game.
Managing projects is a full-time job and taking your eye off the ball (even for a short period) can lead to problems.
I want people to be able to lead decent lives, and to be reasonably well off.
Trying to bite off more than you can chew will lead to failure.
Although we tend to think that letting ourselves off easy will lead to more procrastination, Wohl et al. found the reverse.
The only way I can explain how I feel at this moment is this: Once, I tried to follow my daring brother's lead and dive off a 30-foot cliff into a pool of water.
The only way I can explain how I feel at this moment is this: Once, I tried to follow my daring brother's lead and dive off a 30-foot cliff into a pool of water.