Massive ore deposits of copper, lead, zinc, silver, gold and other metals formed in this way.
A glacier next to a nearby zinc and lead mine has retreated since the site closed in 1990, exposing an outcrop of metal-rich ore, where drilling will start again soon.
The nation boasts veins of coal, iron ore, limestone, magnesite, graphite, copper, zinc, lead and precious metals.
It is the coming shortage of everything - cement, iron ore, coal, steel, lead, zinc, aluminum and copper.
It is the world's top producer of cadmium, gold, indium, iron ore, lime, lead, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, phosphate, salt, tin, tungsten, vanadium and zinc.
Copper production was big in the 1800s. Gold, iron ore, zinc and lead followed.
SMELTER: Some 3.8 million metric tons of lead are produced annually by separating it from mined ore using high heat.
The kilns were used to process silver and lead ore and are no longer in operation today.
A major outbreak of lead poisoning in children has been occurring in Zamfara State, Nigeria since at least March 2010, related to the processing of lead-rich ore for the extraction of gold.
Lead isotope research shows that lead in ores of Mujiazhuang copper deposit and near ore country rocks is characterized by being rich in radioactive lead.
Copper zinc type and lead zinc type deposits with different ore elements were formed in Back arc basin of Erlangping Group by sea bottom spout.
Established a method determining the content of trace elements copper, zinc, manganese, lead, chromium, calcium, nickel of haematitum and red ore by FAAS.
The reformation has led to the homogenization of sulfur and lead isotopes in the ore deposit.
It is widely used to separate ferrous, nonferrous, nonmetal and rare metal minerals. such as gold mine, copper mine, lead-zinc ore, tin mine and so on.
The ore lead in the deposits mainly came from the upper crust.
Consistence between isotopic model age of lead ore and intrusion age of quartz porphyry shows close relations among structure movements, magmatism and mineralization in Stage of Yenshan.
The ore is lead mine of partial oxidation, the lead ore consists chiefly of galena and cerusite. 39% of cerusite is the most oxid in lead ore.
Yinkeng area is an ore concentration area of gold, silver, copper, lead zinc, manganese in east Jiangxi.
The distribution of silicified breccia(zone) in Shuikoushan lead zinc polymetallic ore field obviously shows close association with ore field structure.
A lead-zinc ore contains valuable components as lead, zinc and iron and utilization components as silver and iron.
The main mineral composition of the ore is zinc blende and lead glance.
A experimental study has been conducted on the mineral processing flowsheet and its reagent condition of the copper-lead-zinc ore property from Sichuan.
The mineral processing flowsheet and reagent system were investigated and adjusted for a fine refractory lead-zinc ore.
The lead isotopic composition of the Devonian stratabound ore deposits in the Nanling region is highly variable and belongs mostly to the "mixing type".
It was not until sixty years ago that a method of extracting aluminum ore was found which could lead to a cheap large-scaLe process.
The Pb isotopic composition of ore sulfides is stable and the ore lead is ordinary common lead. Ore lead derived from magma, which came from partial melting of the upper crust in Early Cretaceous.
The polymictic breccia in the Qianshan lead-zinc ore district of Anxi County is a suit of volcaniclastic rock, sedimentary pyroclastic rock and pyroclastic sedimentary rock.
The country is rich in minerals such as bauxite, iron ore, lead, gold, precious stones, tin, chromate, anthracite, granite, marble, clay, white sand and graphite.
The country is rich in minerals such as bauxite, iron ore, lead, gold, precious stones, tin, chromate, anthracite, granite, marble, clay, white sand and graphite.