For example, an invading nonnative plant could alter the quantity of leaf litter production, which would alter nutrient contributions to the soil.
Metal content in tobacco leaf primarily is driven by the metal content of the soil in which it is grown, rather than resulting from processing.27.
Most of the radioactive particles are in the soil rather than in the flammable leaf litter and trees, he explains.
Faster leaf decomposition and biomass growth have created a much more fertile soil on once sandy land, which was not always suitable for cultivation.
Organic material like compost or leaf mulch can help onions grow in heavy soil.
The content of leaf chlorophyll was sensitive to soil moisture, under 5 kinds of different soil moisture status and the content of leaf chlorophyll was distinct.
Leaf area index and surface soil moisture are two basic factors of controlling evaporation.
The soil moisture content and leaf area index (LAI) are the critical factors in energy partition process.
Soil matric potential, leaf water potential and atmosphere water potential is diversity in temporal and spatial variation.
The annual changes rule of soil and leaf mineral element contents of early bearing walnut were studied.
The contents of soil and leaf chlorine in citrus and longan orchards in Fujian province were investigated.
Effects of applied boron (soil application of boron, spraying boron on the plant) on the boron forms and leaf photosynthesis of papaya plants were investigated.
Major factors of the pear iron chlorosis were determined through soil testing and leaf analysis.
The qualities of 10 microelements were determined in tealeaf, tea plant leaf of "Jade Emperors sword" and soil in Wushan Gucheng.
The contents of total cell wall matter and cellulose negatively correlated with leaf thickness in low phosphorus soil.
In the paper, the leaf nutrition level of Pingyin rose and its growth status, as well as its soil conditions were measured.
The cucumber plant of 1/500 with soil culture and 1/1000 with substrate culture obtained the higher plant height, leaf area, leaf number and content of dry matter than other treatments markedly.
The experiments also indicated high leaf yields and potassium content in the treatment of soil moisture at the level of 60% in middle stage and 80% in latter stage respectively.
The apple leaf and soil in orchard of Qin 'an county of Gansu were investigated.
Besides, the variation of evaporation from soil as related to leaf area index has also been calculated and analyzed.
There were significant effects of soil water content on flavonoid, terpene lactone and endogenous hormones concentration of l Ginkgo leaf.
Leaf weight and quality weight increased with the increase of phosphorus consumption too, of the same treatment the medium phosphorus soil leaf quality was higher than the other soil.
The decline of photosynthetic rate at the community level mainly resulted from reduced leaf area after a long time treatment of low soil moisture.
However, the correlation coefficient of clone S11 K content in leaf and K content in soil hasn′t the remarkable relation.
The soil evaporation, leaf transpiration rate and surface Infiltration of PS was highest, surface runoff was lowest, relating to porosity of PS.
When soil moisture contents were above 9.5%, there was no apparent change in leaf water potential with a drop in soil moisture contents.
As soil analysis are normally not very helpful to determine micronutrient deficiencies we prefer leaf analysis.
The photosynthesis rate will increase with the descendant leaf potential and soil potential, which demonstrates that Masson pine has much higher productivity of drought stress.
The results showed that photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, and stomatal conductance decreased and leaf WUE increased with soil water content declined.
结果表明,各品种幼苗叶片光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度均随土壤水分的减少而呈降低趋势, 叶片水分利用效率呈增加趋势。
Potted cultivation was used to study the chloride distribution in different tobacco plant organ, and the relation of chloride content with soil, applied fertilizer and irrigated water in tobacco leaf.