The host-plant of vegetable leaf miner relate to 14 subject 54 varities and there are different population dynamics of kinds of vegetable leaf-miner.
The insect, also known as the tomato leaf miner, devastates crops by feeding on fruits and digging into and moving through stalks.
The results are as follows: The distribution pattern of larvae is aggregative ( negative binomial distribution) . The aggregation dose not change with the densities of population of leaf miner.
The aggregation indices and Taylor's power law are used to test the spatial distribution of the third generation larvae of leaf miner in the tobacco fields.
Sticky traps for trapping and killing to have good result to the small insects, such as aphids, whitefly, Leafhopper, vegetable leaf miner, thrips, etc.
Sticky traps for trapping and killing to have good result to the small insects, such as aphids, whitefly, Leafhopper, vegetable leaf miner, thrips, etc.