The acid leak-off behavior is significantly different from that of the non-reactive fluids.
For critical service a lantern ring and double packing can be provided with a leak-off connection.
Therefore, leak-off control mechanism is required for achieving long etched fractures and improving job efficiency.
Therefore, acid leak-off is highly non-uniform and typically results wormholes and enlargement of natural fractures.
The system could also be used to conduct dynamic formation integrity tests (FITs) and leak-off tests (LOTs) to ascertain downhole conditions.
Using fracturing fluid dynamic leak-off apparatus, fracturing fluid leak-off rate is tested on the core which containing single artificial fracture.
Therefore, the acid wormhole propagation mechanism study and the novel calculation model for the acid leak-off in the acid fracturing is more important.
In manual, automatic sterilization without mechanical seal leak-off filling materials plus acid add alkali peristaltic pump, with beautiful and dignified equipment.
The acid wormhole leak-off volume is concerned with the pumping rate, the acid viscosity, the acid concentration, acid injection time and the formation physical property.
The existing models of fracturing fluid leak-off are based on the homogenous reservoirs, and cannot be used to calculate the fracturing fluid leak-off for fractured reservoirs.
Accurate understanding and calculating the total fracturing fluid leak-off coefficient is both key problem to the fracturing design and the important matter to the analysis after fracturing.
Experimental results and theoretical results are compared and both leak-off rates are approximate. It proved that leak-off calculation model which is established in this paper is high credible.
The calculation shows that, fracturing fluid leak-off considered variable permeability are greater than conventional fractured loss model, when net pressure is higher, the two has 10 times difference.
Shell says that it shut off the well as soon as it detected the leak.
The theoretical particles that mediate gravity, known as gravitons, may also be closed loops of string that leak off into the bulk.
理论上的粒子,例如传递引力的引力子,也可能泄漏进入主体, 形成弦的闭合回路。
If the efforts to seal off the leak that was left behind do not succeed soon, the final tally of destruction, if not death, may rise quite quickly.
Computerized commodes: AquaOne Technologies of Westminster, Calif., has introduced a toilet containing chips that automatically shut off the water when it springs a leak or starts to overflow.
And to start off on your crusade for memory-leak finding, you'll create a test MySQL database, shown in Listing 4.
The space ship was originally scheduled for lift-off on June 13, but was first postponed because of a leak associated with the hydrogen venting system outside the shuttle's external fuel tank.
The results indict that choked fracture and leak off of fracture fluid had a negative effect on well productivity.
When pulling the bracket off even greater amounts of engine oil can leak out .
A nuclear leak on a Russian nuclear-powered icebreaker off the coast of western Siberia forced the vessel to head back to port, AFP reported.
The superintendent detected the leak, and tried to get into Shu's unit to turn off the water tap, only to find that there were two extra locks on the unit door.
No leak of the water solution and gelled material due to falling off and shaking.
You must shut the gas supply off if there's a leak.
But they may easily produce low viscosities and high fluid leak off from the fracture at high temperature, which limit their applications to hydraulic fracturing and fracture-packing treatments.
But they may easily produce low viscosities and high fluid leak off from the fracture at high temperature, which limit their applications to hydraulic fracturing and fracture-packing treatments.