Under high frequency usage condition, the internal leakage flow rate of the piston is almost near zero condition.
Solid particulate conveying characteristic is given by backwards leakage flow rate through intermeshing region and formulated as a conveying efficiency d.
The actual flow reciprocating pump flow rate than theory, and with the increased pressure head decreases, which is due to leakage caused.
In the flow, the leakage rate 10 rated flow coefficient.
It also creates the highest release flow rate potential due to downstream leakage or operator error, which should be adequately addressed for hazardous products.
The leakage area, inflator gas flow rate and dimension of side airbag on a passenger car were optimized.
In this paper we propose a novel leakage fault detection and diagnosis method, using dynamic simulation to monitor the fluid flow process and identify leakages when large flow rate deviations occur.
It is the key approach to reduce exergy loss to reduce the air leakage rate of sinter strand and cooler, to set desirable flow rate of cooling gas and sinter thickness in the cooler.
It is the key approach to reduce exergy loss to reduce the air leakage rate of sinter strand and cooler, to set desirable flow rate of cooling gas and sinter thickness in the cooler.