This makes it difficult for you to sell, lend, give, or lease the content.
They can specify how many times you can sell, lend, give, or lease the same content and what conditions they will use to terminate the agreement to transfer the content.
The Olympic Delivery Authority will continue discussions with Lend Lease and with banks in the hope of reaching an agreement by March.
Pug saw vast quantities of Lend - Lease material in use.
The shopping center, managed by Australian properties groups Lend Lease Corp., removed the machine immediately.
User may not relicense, sublicense, rent, lease, or lend the Software for third party training, commercial time-training or service bureau use.
Subsequently, most of the Bantams and Ford GPs produced were sent to Great Britain and Russia as part of the lend-lease program.
You may not rent, lease, lend, sell, redistribute, or sublicense the Licensed Application.
Article 24 No unit or individual shall forge, alter, sell, lease, lend or transfer the business license in other forms.
But if Roosevelt wants to send English arms free of charge, why the devil doesn't he come out and say so, instead of giving us all this lend-lease baloney?
Article 10 No entity or individual may alter, scalp, lease, lend the qualification certificate or illegally transfer the qualification certificate by any other means.
They were not even waiting for Lend-Lease, as would be the case in several other countries I could mention.
Et background management system of automobile lend-lease transaction platform were analysed, and the characteristic of ASP. NET and the difference between ASP.
The minute Lend-Lease passes, we'll be sending out a vast shipment of stuff.
How does Lend Lease illustrate effective planning in a dynamic environment?
Based on the computer technique, the perfect automobile lend-lease management turns those complicated data calculation and information processing into simple instructions.
This Vision will take time to develop and Arup and Bovis Lend Lease are committed to contributing their expertise and funds to achieve this goal.
这一目标需要一定的时间去实现,奥雅纳和Bovis Lend Lease将尽其所能提供其专业方面的帮助并全力资助达成这一目标。
This Vision will take time to develop and Arup and Bovis Lend Lease are committed to contributing their expertise and funds to achieve this goal.
这一目标需要一定的时间去实现,奥雅纳和Bovis Lend Lease将尽其所能提供其专业方面的帮助并全力资助达成这一目标。