The measurement accuracy of the system is further improved through the calibration of sensors and least square fit of the calibration dat...
Least square method of polynomial or the method based on the given function are used to fit pump characteristic curve in pump selection or operation.
The application of the least square polynomial fit method in the wavelength calibration of the Optical multichannel analyzer with a CCD detector is investigated.
The total income of national economy and the amount of population are predicted with second-degree moving model and with the principle of least mean square fit error determining designated value n.
Lastly least square method is used to fit for the straight line. The improved method can extract so much information as possible from original images.
The mathematical model built by the data fit method based spline least square has not only higher precision of model and fit coherence, but low degree of model, more smooth also.
The experiment data collected by system is be disposed by Least square method that the contours fit, which adjust the non-linearity of experiment data.
A new approach to fit line is proposed. In this method, Hough transform and least square have been combined to process experiment data and the contour of binary images.
The linear least square method should be selected to fit engineering data to a straight line.
This article introduces least square method of unanimous approximation and smooth tolerance of segmented circular arc fit for planar range of Points.
Based on the result of the road area detection, the road edge detection algorithm USES the least square method to fit the road edge.
CONCLUSION the theoretical values obtained by non-linear least square model fit program is near to the test values. The theoretical equations can describe accurately the release kinetics of pellets.
Firstly, the error of fit must be defined for nonlinear least-square fitting of generalized geometry model. Then the nonlinear optimization algorithm can be used to obtain the optimum solution.
At the same time we curve fit the bulk modulus B of these binary alloys using the results and least square mothod.
Thirdly, the least-square method based on relative error is proposed and used to fit the calibration curve of the ultrasonic sensors.
The uncertainty of evaluation results of delay between channels of linear measurement system by using the least mean square four-parameter sine-wave curve-fit method is described.
After smoothing the type value points, the least square method of fit...
After smoothing the type value points, the least square method of fit...