Use Chaos and fractal analysis routines, LCMV optimization design array signal processing, Multivariate least squares fitting method of nonlinear equations.
Solar cell both exponent mathematical model can be obtained exactly using a few measurement data by the least squares fitting method that parameter can be separated.
The paper adopts the method of multinomial least squares as fitting to make the fitting function be simple and the amount of compensation interval be least, reduces the calculation cost.
The comparison among various methods of parameter estimation shows that the least-squares fitting method in the time domain is more accurate one.
This paper presents a method to check gun fire data using limited points and an principle of least squares fitting.
A compound digital filtering method and a line fitting method based on the least squares are presented, which are used in the measurement system of interface parameters of artillery.
The factors of MOS transistor in the saturation region are analyzed, the mismatch models are optimized, and the model parameter extraction is done by least squares curve fitting method.
Based on the idea of curve fitting, the nonlinear least squares method (Gauss-Newton method) has been applied to estimate the complex parameters.
The principle of the digital image correlation method was described, and the relation between the crack tip displacement and the stress intensity factor was deduced using least squares fitting.
The least-squares ellipse fitting method is used to the sub-pixel image edges to get more accurate sub-pixel ellipse center coordinates, and further improve the precision of camera calibration.
A new method tuning the PID parameters is presented by the normalized dead time of process. The tuning formulae are obtained from the curve fitting in the least-squares sense.
The results indicate that the fitting based on the least squares method is feasible and valid.
Based on the traditional DBS (Doppler Beam Sharpening) method and the least squares linear fitting algorithm, a new high resolution DBS imaging algorithm is delivered in this paper.
Based on the traditional DBS (Doppler Beam Sharpening) method and the least squares linear fitting algorithm, a new high resolution DBS imaging algorithm is delivered in this paper.