Lee Kun-hee has been banned from leaving the country.
Samsung passed this test in 1987 when the founder handed over to his son, Lee Kun-hee.
A Seoul court ruled former Samsung Chairman Lee Kun-hee was guilty of breach of trust.
Pressures rose after Mr. Lee's father, Lee Kun-hee, its chairman, suffered a stroke in 2014 and fell into a coma.
李在镕的父亲李健熙(Lee Kun-hee)是三星公司的董事长,2014年,他身患中风陷入昏迷,之后压力开始上升。
But since his father, Lee Kun-hee, suffered a heart attack in 2014, he is considered DE facto boss of the entire Samsung Group conglomerate.
Samsung Group's chairman Lee Kun-hee announced Tuesday he would step down after 20 years of leadership following his indictment on April 17 for tax evasion and breach of trust.
三星董事长李健熙22日宣布辞职,结束了其长达20年的掌舵生涯。 韩国检察机构17日宣布以逃税和失信罪起诉李健熙。
Samsung Group, which includes 15 publicly traded companies and an additional 40 smaller affiliates, is led by Lee Kun-hee, son of its founder and now South Korea's wealthiest man.
三星集团包括15家上市公司和另外40家较小的公司。集团董事长李健熙(Lee Kun - hee)目前是韩国第一富豪,其父为集团创始人。
The chairman of Samsung Electronics, Lee Kun-hee, ranked as South Korea's richest person for the 7th consecutive year, according to Forbes Korea. The magazine ranked Korea's 40 richest people.
The chairman of Samsung Electronics, Lee Kun-hee, ranked as South Korea's richest person for the 7th consecutive year, according to Forbes Korea. The magazine ranked Korea's 40 richest people.