The money which was left in the bank is enough to send his three sons to university.
Chinese spend less or equal to the amount they have, so they always have money left in the bank for emergency.
At the end of the month is there money left in the bank account or does the overdraft accounts have to be used?
At the age of fourteen, he left his village school in Scotland and taught himself while working in a bank.
In Ireland's case a restructuring should involve a haircut for some bank creditors-and then a lower interest rate on the debt that is left.
Another Swiss bank, Credit Suisse, is also in the spotlight after a bond trader left under a cloud.
In a guest article, Paul Calello (pictured left), the head of Credit Suisse's investment bank, and Wilson Ervin, its former chief risk officer, propose a new process for resolving failing Banks.
Her husband left the firm for a better position in a bank.
The light which still shone was derived mainly from a large hole in the western bank of cloud; it was like a piece of day left behind by accident, dusk having closed in elsewhere.
Unsurprisingly, there's usually little left over to put in the bank.
In America bank lending has been falling rapidly over the past three months while in the euro zone broad-money growth has slipped to just 2.5% year-on-year (see the left panel of chart 2).
All the left bank of the river Oka is covered with a dense forest. In the 60s of the XIXth century one Russian professor Kaufman took notice of a strange transitional nature in this place.
The famous little steamer participated in the war actions of 1942 and took over 18000 people to the left bank of the Volga river.
I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the money and property left behind by my client before they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by the Bank where this huge deposit was lodged.
In her Paris campaign headquarters, an elegant left-bank apartment, she drapes necklaces along the mantelpiece, and mixes white soft furnishings with fuchsia-pink light.
Overworking day and night left him low, but he still kept on fighting together with his comrade-in-arms on the river bank.
The estate is left in trust with a bank.
The negative pressure trough and deep trough high speed belt conveyor arranged in the left bank solved this problem.
Then, in late 2004, he left the bank to run the Cinnamon Club, one of London's most highly regarded Indian restaurants.
Standing 1 on the Left Bank of the Seine, this venerable Paris museum was opened in 1986 in a former Beaux-Arts railway station and hotel.
The quintessential expat bookshop was founded by American George Whitman in 1951 and remains a Left Bank landmark under the ownership of his daughter, Sylvia.
The operation conditions of major power generation and transmission equipment in Three-Gorge Left Bank power Station were narrated, and the operation reliability data were analyzed.
The excavation of left bank abutment of the Hongjiadu hydroelectric project was the highest cut slope in the hydropower construction project then.
The excavation of left bank abutment of the Hongjiadu hydroelectric project was the highest cut slope in the hydropower construction project then.