When no firm changes resulted from the committee, the couple began negotiating the legal document that decided the matter.
Enough nations had ratified the treaty by 1993 for it to become a binding legal document.
Deliver a legal document to court.
In 2003, the two countries signed the treaty on good-neighborliness, friendship and cooperation, which fixed the relations between the two countries in the form of a legal document.
Currently, there lacks the legal document within the framework of SCO on the issue of accepting new members and hence admission of new members still lacks the legal ground.
The term license is also commonly used to refer to the (legal) document that captures the terms of the agreement between the licensor and licensee.
Every lender or investor eventually will need his money back, and a legal document covering everything from the terms to the timing can avoid the kind of acrimony just described.
They do not have any legal document to certify that they have the necessary expertise.
Improve verification of the content-for example, determine whether intra-document references in a legal document are valid.
Now translated into 321 languages and dialects, the Declaration is the most cited legal document ever drafted by a Canadian.
Final Prospectus a legal document stating the price of a newly issued security, the delivery date, and other facts that are important for investors.
AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL (AFM), The legal document containing performance and operating limits, operating procedures, and takeoff and landing performance.
Third, the doctrine is not a legal document, can not play a direct effect.
The Kyoto Protocol is a significant legal document for the international community to tackle the climate change, which should never be abandoned.
In law: make a summary or abstract of a legal document and inscribe it in a list.
We would like to draft a legal document transferring some of our holdings to another company.
Model law is the legal document drafted by the scholars, experts, or the professional group and academic group, and just provides reference for them in legislation.
An advance directive is a legal document that states what type of treatment you want - or don't want - in case you become physically unable to communicate.
In the international legislative level, the international legislation of sovereign wealth funds is still in its infancy, most legislative efforts have not form a formal legal document.
To place a prior date on a legal document, statement or check. Also called antedate.
The legal document that lays out the terms and conditions of an outsourcing arrangement.
Conveyance: a legal document by which the ownership of property is transferred.
A prenuptial agreement is a legal document that financially protects both people who are about to get married.
This is not a legal document or a legal form of personal identification.
This is not a legal document or a legal form of personal identification.