There is also the legal aspect; I am the landlord and you are my tenant, don't forget.
The part finds and analyzes these problems in the consciousness level, the reasons for the legal aspect.
PIN is a key element for systematic control in electron IC commerce. Its technical aspect, as well as legal aspect, shall be emphasized equally.
To alleviate the serious situation of soil pollution, we need strengthen work of prevention and control, the most important is to make a breakthrough in the legal aspect.
The first part emphasizes the necessity of safeguarding the criminal suspects' rights from microscopic legal aspect and macroscopic social aspect during investigating period of China.
A quality aspect, accessibility, is also addressed by new guidelines and legal requirements.
It is one of the most important forms which renders every individual in the legal domain the most basic and fundamental protection of law, both in the aspect of personal benefit and property benefit.
About the burglary amount recognized the aspect the legal rule has experienced many times revision and the improvement.
There is some legal system on the aspect of controlling infectious disease by international good trade in WTO and the contract of SPS.
The trust tax system has an important status in the trust system but our country does not have the explicit legal rules and regulations in this aspect.
The essence of the takings determines that analyzing only from the legal or economic aspect is flawed.
Chapter II will deal with the conflict aspect and the legal issues in one hand, as well as the Efforts made towards cooperation and its current status on the other hand.
The fourth part mainly comparatively incontrovertibly proposed further consummates the system of people's assessors from the legal rule and the work movement machine-made aspect the conception.
The security is in the legal value one of most basic values, even more highlights about the public interest and the social overall benefit aspect security's importance.
Therefore, occidental scholars discussed so-called legal ethicality question in a totally different aspect which considered generally the conflict between natural law and positive law.
At present, our country also has some blanks in this aspect legislation, in the patent right infringement recognized in particular in principle lacks the corresponding legal basis.
There is also a mundane aspect to viewing suicide as revenge on one's foes: if it is proven in court that the suicide was coerced, there will be legal repercussions for the parties deemed responsible.
Personal injury and damage to property often aims at natural and legal persons, so natural and legal persons are the claiming body in this aspect.
In the management aspect, administrative and legal means shall be taken to provide legal guarantee for the protection of ancient city.
At present, there exist some in this aspect, including the lack of legal knowledge, the weakness of the sense of legality, the non-establishment of legal belief, and so on.
The second aspect is the determination of the judge career thinking, which has the following characteristics: 1. the combination of the legal thinking and the process thinking;
The element of "Legal and other requirements" is not only an important criterion for an organization to evaluate environmental aspect, but also a standard to evaluate its environmental performance.
In the sponsorship system issue, it suggest to strengthen the sponsorship in the aspect of sponsor qualification , the way of recommend and the legal responsibility;
There are some new legal norms that regulate the the controlling shareholders. I will provide some suggestions from the aspect of the protecting the interests small and and medium shareholders.
There are some new legal norms that regulate the the controlling shareholders. I will provide some suggestions from the aspect of the protecting the interests small and and medium shareholders.