Appendix: Legal aspects of accessibility.
Recognize the professional and legal aspects of prescribing and furnishing drugs.
Such transformations are never smooth - e.g. scalability is a big issue and legal aspects are never simple.
Courses include the principles of business management, legal aspects of the music industry, business ethics, and related subjects.
The legal aspects of trademarks, domain names, and other external threats must be considered to protect the name and reputation from harm.
It goes a long way toward easing the concerns of the open-source and research communities about the legal aspects of working with the platform.
Handling the state and federal taxes, sales tax, payroll and payroll taxes and all the legal aspects that go along with having a team of employees.
Even that our daily life has already been deeply affected by the application of electronic agent, the research about its legal aspects is still insufficient.
The paper sets forth the meaning, characteristics and forms of parallel import, and analyzes the causes of parallel import from economic as well as legal aspects.
On one hand, I studied very hard in my university times. Apart from my specialty study, I have also been trained in some special courses in computer and legal aspects.
CAPITAL ASSOCIATES also has rich experience in the legal aspects concerning the cooperative development, exploration and exploitation of minerals and natural resources.
Objective: I want to be engaged in the legal aspects of the work, first of all from the legal person, while working side edge to accumulate experience of judicial examination.
Explanatory memorandum to the Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Directive on certain legal aspects of electronic commerce in the internal market, 18 November 1998, com (1998) 586 final.
解释性备忘录中的建议,为欧洲议会和理事会指令对某些法律方面的电子商业在国内市场,1998年11月18日COM(1998) 586最终决定。
You have to take care of legal and financial aspects of the startup, so why not turn it into a learning experience?
There were also lectures on the legal and technical aspects given by experts from Alibaba.
The legal and financial aspects of your company are important and interesting, and there are a lot of new things and ideas that you will encounter that will likely impress you.
Learning these aspects also saves you legal fees.
These shifts in the way we relate to personal information require serious consideration in many aspects of our social and legal lives.
The permissive notion of “necessary” here carries an element of the prudential aspects of “military necessity, ” conceptually though not in a strictly legal sense.
Consulting service, which can be divided into such aspects as financial management, enterprise operation management, legal consultation, business development plan and market development etc.
The hard part for me involved some of the legal and financial aspects of the purchase, the paperwork you don't think about, like payroll taxes or business insurance.
The requisites for usucapion in China should include the two aspects: occupancy and the legal period of time.
This article mainly discuss the problem about legal procedure of unit crime from the following four aspects.
Relief for environmental damages includes two aspects: legal relief and actual relief.
The system of electronic payment challenges traditional legal system in the aspects of currency and information.
We cannot cover all aspects of the legal system, nor focus on all the different actors.
We cannot cover all aspects of the legal system, nor focus on all the different actors.