As leisure time education and leisure for education have similarities in some respects, a lot of people often confuse the two.
Since then economists have noticed a growing "leisure gap", with the lion's share of spare time going to people with less education.
Especially in terms of primary and secondary students, the implementation of quality education and "Burden reduction", has given them a lot of discretionary leisure time.
In recent years, along with people leisure time increase, One kind of new education form has emerged, namely leisure education.
With the popular credit system and college students growing disposable time, a study on college students leisure use and education is an important issue to be conducted.
It's important for your partner to know how you feel about work, family, education, friends, and leisure time.
As the education activities level of leisure, it is a method in a planned manner using certain means, methods, and approaches, to make the Educated learn how to spend their leisure time.
Beyond providing these qualities, a college education should try to lay a foundation for the creative use of leisure time which can be cultivated in the classroom.
Survey results show that:Old age and health status, income, education, and leisure time, social factors and elderly will have significant impacts on travel choices.
Survey results show that:Old age and health status, income, education, and leisure time, social factors and elderly will have significant impacts on travel choices.