His investigation of galloping horses for Leland Stanford, a California politician and racehorse owner, is well known.
Leland Stanford Junior was just short of his 16th birthday when he died of typhoid fever in Florence, Italy on March 13, 1884.
In 1876, former California Governor Leland Stanford purchased 650 acres of Rancho San Francisquito for a country home and began the development of his famous Palo Alto Stock Farm.
His investigation of galloping horses for Leland Stanford, a California politician and rair of the last 300 years, had guessed at but which, until Muybridge, had never been proved.
迈布里奇观察飞驰的骏马,据称,只有他,才办到了。 他是为加利福尼亚的政客利兰·斯垣福做这项研究的,这项研究到他所处的年代,已历时300年。
The thought of Leland and Jane Stanford, by this time quite wealthy, arriving at Harvard in a homespun threadbare suit and faded gingham dress is amusing, but highly inaccurate.
Leland and Jane Stanford established two institutions in Leland Junior's name - the university and the Museum, which was originally planned for San Francisco, but moved to adjoin the university.
Leland and Jane Stanford established two institutions in Leland Junior's name - the university and the Museum, which was originally planned for San Francisco, but moved to adjoin the university.