In less-developed countries, such as those of sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia, wastage tends to occur primarily at the farmer-producer end of the supply chain.
So steps must be taken to ensure that less-developed countries run their reactors safely.
Less-developed countries in the region have a greater share of employment in the informal export sector.
The poll used telephone surveys in more affluent areas, and door-to-door interviews in rural or less-developed regions.
It is endemic not just in the poorest and least functional of nations, but even in the fast-growing (but still comparatively less-developed) BRIC.
Second, the US and its western Allies have a vital interest in strategic materials, like mineral and ore, which have to be imported from less-developed countries like the Philippines.
It is said that the location of vast reserves of higher-grade ores of most minerals favors increasing dependence of all industrialized regions on imports from less-developed countries.
In France patois was spoken in rural, less developed regions.
This scarcity is inevitable in less developed countries.
The speed at which cities are growing in the less developed countries is alarming.
The future of Wenzhou will now lie in providing services to these less developed areas, argues one button and zipper factory owner.
You probably remember that human infants are less developed physically than other mammals of the same age.
India, Vietnam and many other less developed countries have planted super hybrid rice to increase their rice harvests.
We are taking less waste from developed countries.
The above chart shows this graphically, with wealthier, more advanced nations clustered at the top, and poorer, less developed nations clustered at the bottom.
The Philippine pilot will provide a "blueprint" for the programme's replicability in other less developed nations.
Hostels and budget accommodation therefore is perhaps another similar sector to that of holiday rentals in that the big money is only being channelled into less developed areas of the industry.
Once ensconced in the Miraflores palace, he determined to make his country speak for the commodity-rich but less developed world.
The majority of all cancer deaths occurred in less developed regions in 2008 and without action this is expected to increase in coming decades.
In less developed regions, life expectancy increased by 26 years from 1950-55 to 2005-10.
在较不发达的地区,预期寿命在1950-55年至2005 - 10年期间延长了26年。
The World Bank estimates the global market for virtual game goods is around $3 billion, making it an attractive option for gamers in less developed countries.
While it is true that to date the Internet seems to be favoring the most developed sectors of the international community over the less developed, this need not always be the case.
Out of the 43 developed countries (rankings were separated into "more developed, " "less developed" and "least developed"), the U.S. came in at 31, while Norway came out on top.
Out of the 43 developed countries (rankings were separated into "more developed," "less developed" and "least developed"), the U. S. came in at 31, while Norway came out on top.
在43个发达国家中(参评国家分为比较发达,比较不发达和最不发达),美国排到了31位,而挪威跻身NO . 1。
In most developed countries, cancer is the second largest cause of death after cardiovascular disease, and epidemiological evidence points to this trend emerging in the less developed world.
While the most extreme cases involve smaller, less developed countries, the same distribution also applies to more developed ones-and with much larger absolute values for GDP loss.
The thatched-roof Pelican bar, planted on a sandbar, serves passing boaters and tourists on Treasure Beach, a low-key fishing village on Jamaica's less developed southern coast.
DE Boer added that African countries and other less developed nations say nobody's targets are good enough at the moment.
DE Boer added that African countries and other less developed nations say nobody's targets are good enough at the moment.