Minor unit must be less than or equal to major unit.
This checks "is I less than or equal to one hundred?"
这个检查“I是不是小于等于100 ?”
The Minimum must be less than or equal to the Maximum.
This value must be less than or equal to the precision.
FILE SIZE - Must be less than or equal to 240 kilobytes.
Select is equal to, and change it to is less than or equal to.
选择isequalto,并将它改为isless than or equal to。
The number of bits per pixel must be less than or equal to 32.
每个象素的位数必须小于或等于32 。
It must be less than or equal to the maximum working set size.
The data sample interval must be less than or equal to 45 days.
Select is equal to , and change it to is less than or equal to .
选择isequalto,然后将它更改为 isless than or equal to。
Similarly, the total carpentry hours must be less than or equal to 80.
The context position is always less than or equal to the context size.
Is less than or equal to 0, evaluates to infinity or is not a valid number.
The method then checks to see if the length value is less than or equal to 127.
Going around in a cycle the integral of dq over t is less than or equal to zero.
对一个循环过程作d q除以t的积分,小于等于零。
The application scope should be less than or equal the original certification scope.
It contains an invariant — that the lower bound is always less than or equal to the upper bound.
If the value is less than or equal to all other function values, it is an absolute minimum.
It loops through all of the integers that are less than or equal to the square root of the input integer.
Please enter a valid Maximum and Minimum value. The Minimum must be less than or equal to the Maximum.
If the length of the event is less than or equal to 1024, only one context data element exists in the event.
If the working set of both LPARs remains less than or equal to the pool size, then the there is no over-commit.
The sum of the parts of the mating parts is less than or equal to the allowable deviation of the assembly.
Returns a value greater than 32 if successful, or an error value that is less than or equal to 32 otherwise.
Behavior changes in row compression for tables that have data rows less than or equal to the minimum record length.
The others are eq (equals), le (is less than or equal to), ne (is not equal to), and ge (is greater than or equal to).
此外还有 eq(等于)、le(小于等于)、ne(不等于)和ge(大于等于)。
The encoder can correctly encode and decode the BCH (23, 12) code which can correct less than or equal to 3 bit error.
So if n is greater than or equal to 1 and n is less than or equal to 3, let's just judge this thing a small number arbitrarily.
Each day, Merry Milk Makers can purchase an integral amount of milk from each farmer, less than or equal to the farmer's limit.
Each day, Merry Milk Makers can purchase an integral amount of milk from each farmer, less than or equal to the farmer's limit.