Do you think Matt should be let in on Mystic Falls' secrets?
Because here were two pretty rare examples of light being let in on the usually murky business of "talent retention" and "acquisition".
Or perhaps your daughter felt you might tell other people outside the immediate family whom she was not yet prepared to let in on her secret.
Are you going to let them in on your plans?
There was no let-up in the battle on the money markets yesterday.
It's called that because in the old days, people let their cattles stray on the area, which was common land.
If it is displayed on such occasions, do not allow the flag to fall to the ground, but let it be carried high up in the air to form a feature of the ceremony.
Let your smiling lips say on oath how my voice lost itself in silence like a drunken bee in the lotus.
When we watched the national flag raised in the Olympic Games on TV, we let out a cheer.
In return, the schoolboy said he would let the company sponsor the hand by putting the Mercedes logo on it – just like the adverts on F1 cars.
作为回报,这个男生说他会让公司在这只手上放奔驰标志并赞助它——就像F1 赛车上的广告一样。
It was the little things she gave me that let me feel warm, like letting me dip my fingers in the sugar bowl, letting me sip the coffee from her cup or allowing me to sit on the table as I had meals.
It depends on how full the class is and how many additional students the professor is willing to let in.
In the study, the researchers let volunteers read, play games and watch movies on a screen for different time while measuring how much light their eyes received.
Let me congratulate you on your winning first place in the 100 metre dash.
If so, let us know what your thoughts on it in the comments!
Rather than focus on the innuendo about my motives and beliefs in the review, let me focus instead on differences of substance.
Let me fill you in on the main differences.
He didn't say anything immediately, but he let me in on a little secret after that person left the room - it was all a big lie. Carrots do not improve your eyesight.
In turn, he has agreed to let Hamas operate in the West Bank, while counting on Israel to curb its activities there.
I could not believe it when I got off and he then let another, shorter lady on in my place.
I figured better to use them for something I'll love and use than to let them continue on in a state of such disgrace.
If they continue to question then I let them in on the details - the way to predictable weight loss.
Come on it's Spring, let the sunshine in!
She heard the rapid click of the type-writer, and when Martin let her in, found him on the last page of a manuscript.
In feng shui, they never let on, but just by putting a bed in the wrong spot, you can focus enough chi to kill a person.
Katie Baratz thought she was a typical teenage girl -until her parents let her in on the shocking truth that changed her life forever.
卡蒂·巴拉兹一直以为自己就是一个典型的青少女- - -直到父母告诉她一个令人震惊的真相-这个真相永远地改变了她的生活。
Katie Baratz thought she was a typical teenage girl -until her parents let her in on the shocking truth that changed her life forever.
卡蒂·巴拉兹一直以为自己就是一个典型的青少女- - -直到父母告诉她一个令人震惊的真相-这个真相永远地改变了她的生活。