When I typed that first p, the letter was beamed across the Internet to a Google server in a building hundreds of miles away.
The server read the letter, gathered 10 popular search terms beginning with p, and shot the list back to my screen.
The letter preceding the greater-than symbol indicates the type of the object stored (t=triplet, p=pair, i=integer, l=ArrayList, and so on).
Whenever we use the letter P, that means that sentence.
On Jan. 2, 1905, Japanese General Nogi received from Russian General Stoessel at 9 p. m. a letter formally offering to surrender, ending the Russo-Japanese War.
Formally, if s(p)gives the quantity supplied for each price p, the elasticity of supply, denoted h (the Greek letter “eta”, chosen because epsilon was already taken) is
For Polypropylene valves, add the letter "p" to the part number (e. g. 4423-025p).
对于聚丙烯材质阀门,将字母“P”加在型号上。例如:4423- 025p。
The same letter indicates no significant difference among treatments (P> 0.05).
相同字母表示群落之间差异不显著(P> 0.05)。
In addition in life, such as in the parking lot to see capital letter P represent what word?
It is a letter rejecting the buyer's request for a 10% commission instead of 5% and payment by D/P instead of L/C.
信中卖方拒绝接受买方的还盘:由5%的佣金增到10%; 凭信用证支付改为凭付款交单的支付方式。
Next Week: Please do the reading for Session 7, before you write your Perceived Injurious Experience letter. Then read the instructions in the Class Notes on how to write a P. I. E. letter.
As agreed, the terms of payment for the above orders are letter( s) of credit at 60 day's sight or D/P sight draft.
Revise the program from the last exercise in Section 6. 10 (p. 213) so that it looks only for duplicated words that start with an uppercase letter.
We have large order this time, we hope you can agree to D/P terms, for we have to pay a deposit in opening a letter of credit that is time-consuming and costly.
P. S. My letter to Alaska Airlines' customer service head, Andy Schneider, has so far gone without acknowledgement or response.
As the 9 risks are all start with letter "P", so this method is named 9p risk management method.
这九大部分风险的英文名称都是以字母P开头,故称此风险管理方案为9 P风险管理方案。
Pls don't worry, we missed a letter "p" only when printing.
Pls don't worry, we missed a letter "p" only when printing.