The letter "x" often represents an unknown number in some Math exercises.
'X is the only English letter he knows and he knows that American people speak English.
Every time you see the letter "a" followed by the letter "X," you have to press the space bar.
The X stood for “eXtreme” and web developers were required to cross their arms in an X shape when speaking the letter.
其中,X表示“eXtreme”(极端)。 当时的Web开发人员在提到这个字母的时候,必须双臂交叉,作出一个X的形状来。
The remaining instructions assume that you have installed Spatial DataBlade version 8.21 into the default location: $INFORMIXDIR/extend/spatial.8.21.xC1, where 'x' is a platform-specific letter.
下面的指令假设您已经在默认位置安装好了Spatial DataBladeversion 8.21: $INFORMIXDIR/extend/spatial.8.21.xC1,其中 ‘x’ 表示特定于平台的字母。
However, you can change any of the colors using color codes denoted in the hex range, prefixed with the letter x. The format for the hex codes are.
The hexadecimal representation of the character "A" is x'41' and the "Latin capital letter A with ring above" is x'C385'.
字符 “A”的十六进制表示是x‘41’而 “上面带圈的大写拉丁字母 A” 的十六进制表示是 x‘C385’。
X is the only English letter he knows and he knows that American people speak English.
To that end the Hubble Space Telescope often proves handy for discovering celestial objects shaped like everything from a sea horse, the letter X, tadpoles and flying saucers.
In Greek, X is the first letter of Christ's name.
It is illustrative of British embarrassment that I feel awkward just typing the three letter word S-E-X.
Three months ago, someone stole a letter from Madame X.
In this paper, block, English letter and Chinese charchter were used as the samples to simulate non lens Fourier transform soft X ray laser holography. The simulat…
The letter (or number) of "AA" means this is simplified Chinese revision, and "X" means document releasing version.
'x' in the following examples represents your drive letter, for example, g.
Show the word card "x-ray", point to the letter "x" and say: "This word begins with the letter 'x'.
Show the word card "x-ray", point to the letter "x" and say: "This word begins with the letter 'x'.