To level and smooth the surface, we applied wood filler, as shown in the photo above.
When the content of SiC filler is 80~160 parts by weight(based on 100 parts by weight epoxy resin) the compressive strength has higher values and the bonding strength also has better level.
当碳化硅填料的质量份数在80~ 16 0 (相对于环氧树脂10 0份)时,压缩强度达到较高值,粘接强度也保持在较好水平。
Shell particles in micrometer level have been prepared by a jet milling, and it was used as filler to modify the properties of epoxy resin (EP) by melting-blending.
Shell particles in micrometer level have been prepared by a jet milling, and it was used as filler to modify the properties of epoxy resin (EP) by melting-blending.