American businessmen ask for a level playing field when they compete with foreign companies.
It can't be denied that the College Entrance Examination creates a relatively level playing field for students from all family background.
In short, there already is a level playing field.
The Internet today is, mostly, a level playing field.
Even he doesn't believe a level playing field exists yet.
The proposal for a level playing field demands, of course, equal education.
So, money doesn't interest Elizabeth Gray as much as a level playing field.
所以,伊丽莎白•格雷(Elizabeth Gray)更关心的是一个平等的竞争平台而不是金钱。
This creates a more level playing field for anyone who wants to build tools to support that technology.
A level playing field doesn't mean much if you don't know the rules or have the right sporting equipment.
It would be one thing if these efforts were conducted on a level playing field, but the reality is they're not.
As befits its economic global rank China is providing a level playing field for all firms, domestic or foreign alike.
We share an interest in improving governance and strengthening institutions to create a level playing field for business.
This points out that contests really need clear guidelines and rules to ensure a level playing field for all participants.
The main aim of the guidelines is to encourage fair and open campaigning by candidates and supporters on a level playing field.
The question is how are we going to have a level playing field so that new energy companies can compete fairly and kick some ass?
Whichever field you were in and at whichever level, you were competing against other similar sites on a fairly level playing field.
The German public is a long way from accepting it; yet it is clearly needed in order to reestablish a level playing field in Europe.
You need to position the new SaaS offering for a new market, where you will be competing on a level playing field with the start-ups.
The fact that I engaged with the men under the premise of art created, to an extent, a level playing field: everyone was taking a risk.
Until the Glazers' drain on our finances is removed, we will never be able to compete on a level playing field with the best in the world.
This unit of cloud capacity is needed in order to ensure a level playing field as the demand and use of cloud computing becomes commoditized.
One reasonably safe bet is that a new Basel agreement, however onerous, will provide the basis for a level playing field on capital and liquidity.
For all his talk of only seeking a level playing field for native applicants, I think he is hinting that employers are unreasonably shunning Britons.
But for this competition to benefit us both, it must take place on a level playing field with rules that are clear and treat all countries fairly and equally.
But for this competition to benefit us both, it must take place on a level playing field with rules that are clear and treat all countries fairly and equally.