One task of lexical semantics is the study of lexical sense relations.
Situation description is the kernel and basis of the situation-based lexical semantics.
Analysis and description of lexical semantics is a very important aspect in cognitive semantic researches.
A close look at the Competition model literature reveals that lexical semantics is not well represented in the model.
The connotative meaning of words is a significant representation of the cultural features of different nations in lexical semantics.
Semantic Prosody is a new field in the foreign linguistics circles, especially in lexical semantics and lexicology since the 1990's.
The paper tries to study the asymmetry of antonym in Chinese from the perspective of lexical semantics and on the basic of markedness theory.
Dong & Cai [1] argue that animacy is not an appropriate cue for lexical semantics, and they propose a new cue:argument specification satisfaction.
Semantic primitive is an important concept in lexical semantics. However, it has not been widely studied in the current research of computational linguistics.
Polysemy is one of the important research fields of cognitive lexical semantics, in which the linking mechanisms among the senses is considered as a very challenging one.
The School orientates the studies on LPW in the field of lexical semantics, records the result of studies on lexica by the dictionary and makes a new interpretation on LPW.
Lexical semantic relation is the important content of lexical semantics. The theory of semantic field is the important achievement in researches of lexical semantic relations.
This paper probes into lexical semantics from three aspects, the ambiguity of word definition, lexical semantic units and the semantic relation within a word and its organizing.
The study on the Modern Mongol semantics extends the field of research from lexical meaning to various basic factors such as sememe.
The constraint-based theories Head-driven Phrase Structure grammar (HPSG) and Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) integrate syntax and semantics in the account of anaphoric study.
Although some linguists find the intimate relationship between semantics and lexical collocation, this field of research is relatively weak compared with other studies concerned collocation.
The study of lexical relations has a long history in semantics and lexicology.
Verbal metaphor may be defined as a special lexical and cognitional semantics phenomenon within the frames of predicate and discourse.
We describe the aspect category in the lexical meanings of concrete nouns and abstract nouns in Russian from the perspective of morphology and semantics respectively.
As a cognitive semantics, frame semantics provides with a descriptive method to words lexical meanings, and the concept "frame" in it is a cognitive organizing form of concept.
The problem of the change of lexical meaning has been one of the central issues in semantics.
Structural semantics deals with implicational lexical relations.
Chapter Four describes the algorithms of the lexical selection model, including the algorithm basing on fuzzy semantics patterns and the algorithm basing on examples.
Chapter Four describes the algorithms of the lexical selection model, including the algorithm basing on fuzzy semantics patterns and the algorithm basing on examples.