I initially found an entry about this library on the internet tablet talk site, where the author posted sample code under a GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 3 open source license.
我最初是在internettablettalk网站 上找到了关于这个库的条目,作者在这个网站上采用 GNULesserGeneralPublicLicense (LGPL)version3开放源码许可协议发布了示例代码。
I initially found an entry about this library on the internet tablet talk site, where the author posted sample code under a GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 3 open source license.
我最初是在internettablettalk网站 上找到了关于这个库的条目,作者在这个网站上采用 GNULesserGeneralPublicLicense (LGPL)version3开放源码许可协议发布了示例代码。