Bird had a license to own such firearms.
You don't need a license to own a boat, " added Cornish.
One working theory is that IBM would potentially buy Sun and sell the hardware business to Fujitsu, a close partner of Sun. IBM could license Solaris, since it would own the code, to Fujitsu.
The free license of Linux allows anyone to create their own version of Linux.
Gates figured that many PC makers would copy IBM's open architecture, and make their own PCs; they'd need to license an operating system, too.
Since Apple does not own or control any music itself, it must license the rights to distribute music from others, primarily the “bigfour” music companies: Universal, Sony BMG, Warner and EMI.
A Contributor may choose to distribute the Program in object code form under its own license agreement, provided that.
But her real contribution went far beyond giving women a license to like clothes and use them to celebrate their own strength and femininity.
Since Apple does not own or control any music itself, it must license the rights to distribute music from others, primarily the "big four" music companies: Universal, Sony BMG, Warner and EMI.
Of course. I used to own one , and I still have a valid license to drive one.
A copy right is a grant of an exclusive right to own, produce, sell, and license artistic and intellectual works.
Publishers also might own a certain title or license and might want to make a game out of it, so they might shop it around to various developers who they know or have worked with in the past.
It is the responsibility of the Supplier to arrange export license (s), if required for the Goods covered by this Contract from his own country at his own expense.
Each company will own a 50% stake in the company and will license their respective trademarks and intellectual property to the joint venture.
You are authorized to use your own license to release applications you developed based on the API.
Second, to prepare their own documents, identity cards and driver's license, the need to make copies of these documents to do collateral, but also need to pay a certain deposit.
The use of the general regulations of the game, players can choose their own representative of the character, and then by the holders of brick-order of 3 players to start a license.
If you plan to drive in the UK, you can bring your own Chinese driver's license and notarized English translation.
Against the cancellation of the license, makes China's domestic mobile phone patent owners have the channels to protect their own interests.
In the first 12 months after arriving in the UK, you can use your own domestic driver's license, then you will need to pass the driver's license.
In the first 12 months after arriving in the UK, you can use your own domestic driver's license, then you will need to pass the driver's license.