The entry for 'polygraph' is cross-referred to the entry for 'lie detector'.
词条polygraph下注有指向词条lie detector的参照项。
Ultimately, the human brain is the best lie detector.
(This is why Polygram or lie detector tests accurately test for lying, because they measure jumps in blood pressure).
You can learn more about Marston and his work, including the lie detector, here.
Recent technologies have gone beyond standard lie-detector tests to use brain information to determine if a person is lying.
Whilst the TV series is accurate is its portrayal of the methodology that a professional lie detector might use, there are many myths and misunderstandings surrounding lie detection.
Mr. Lowery took a lie detector test to prove he was innocent, but the officers told him that he had failed it.
"The premise of a lie detector is that a smoke alarm goes off in the brain when we lie because we're doing something wrong," explains Saxe.
Conventional 'polygraph' lie detector tests involve wiring up subjects to equipment that measures blood pressure, pulse, heart rate, respiration and electrical skin activity.
You may want to reconsider any plans to take that lie detector test.
Russia's biggest retail bank is developing an ATM with a built-in lie detector that senses emotionalstress in a customer's voice.
For at least the foreseeable future, the promise of a perfect lie detector remains the stuff of comic book fantasy.
The novelty of “The Moment of Truth” is not the lie detector.
The term 'lie detector' is a common term but not really an accurate.
Mobbs measured the skin conductance of his players by rigging them up to a device similar to a lie detector.
Mr. Rybchinsky demanded that the entire hotel staff take a lie detector test, but the hotel refused.
A person who believes themself innocent of a crime agrees to a lie-detector test in the hope that this will convince the interrogators of this.
These were used when programming the software for the facial lie detector.
A lie detector is no more than 60-80% accurate.
测谎仪的精确度不会多于60%- 80%。
Lightman is inspired by real-life lie detector, APS Charter Member and Fellow Paul Ekman, who has spent 50 years researching and characterizing facial expressions and body movements.
This is why Polygram or lie detector tests accurately test for lying, because they measure jumps in blood pressure.
The latest lie-detector trial suggests the best way to detect liars may be to lie
A new lie detector test will flush out liars using thermal imaging to detect rises in facial temperature.
He was informed in January of the following year that he was selected, and after a full background check-which included a lie detector and blood test-baker was a confirmed intern for the FBI.
You're not going to become a better lie-detector by watching that TV show "lie to me."
As a consequence, the "lie detector" test is misnamed: It's really an arousal detector.41.
A Good Lie Detector is Hard to find.
A lie detector machine is 100% accurate; and.
A lie detector machine is 100% accurate; and.