Jim Guy Tucker was lieutenant governor, probably the ablest person ever to hold the job, and we were working together, rather than at cross-purposes, for the first time in years.
Spitzer said his resignation will take effect on Monday at the request of Lieutenant Governor David Paterson to provide time for an orderly transition.
The merchant's got tired of paying the toll and of the other mean things that Blackbeard did to them, so they asked the lieutenant governor of Virginia, Alexander Spotswood to help get rid of him.
Jim Guy had made a judgment that he could win the lieutenant governors race easily, then become governor in four years.
They had a third alternative in Joe Purcell, a decent, low-key man who had been attorney general and lieutenant governor and done a good job with both positions.
“The ignorant majority, when unrestrained by a superior class, always sought to tamper with sound money,” said Thomas Hutchinson, a lieutenant governor of Massachusetts in 1753.
As Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania during the Three Mile Island crisis, William Scranton III observed and experienced much of that pervasive fear.
Thornburgh had dispatched his Lieutenant Governor, William Scranton, to Three Mile Island to bring back a first-hand assessment.
I could no longer devote any time to the job, and Lieutenant Governor Jim Guy Tucker was more than ready and able to take over.
Consul General Gao also invited Governor Jindal, Lieutenant Governor Jay Dardenne and Secretary of State Tom Schedler to visit China.
Eventually, the then-Governor of Virginia, Alexander Spotswood, commissioned Lieutenant Robert Maynard, an experienced naval commander, to capture or kill Blackbeard.
David Paterson, his lieutenant, was sworn in as the state's first black governor on March 17th.
she defeated Bill Halter, the state's lieutenant governor, who played heavily to anti-incumbent sentiment.
He will face Phil Bryant, the Republican lieutenant-governor, in November's election to replace Haley Barbour.
十一月的选举中,他将面对共和党候选人、副州长PhilBryant,以替代现任州长Haley Barbour。
In February Mr Perry, along with the lieutenant-governor and the speaker of the Texas House, all Republicans, directed state agencies to find ways to cut their budgets by 5%.
Mr Reed, an improbably clear-skinned 49, went through his own self-cleansing in 2006, when he was trounced in a race for lieutenant-governor of Georgia.
49岁的Reed先生拥有一种不太真实的白色皮肤。 2006年,在竞选格鲁吉亚州副州长失败之后,Reed先生经历了一次自我的洁净。
Palin said she will formally step down July 26, and Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell will be inaugurated.
Respected Mr. Brian K. Krolicki, Lieutenant Governor of Nevada
But Mr Schwarzenegger, also a moderate Republican, thanked him by making him lieutenant-governor.
If that does happen, this man Lieutenant Governor David Peterson would take over.
Ms. Ligo Wang, ACS ALS, is currently the Lieutenant Governor - Education & Training (LGET) of District 85, Toastmasters International.
Ms. Ligo Wang, ACS ALS, is currently the Lieutenant Governor - Education & Training (LGET) of District 85, Toastmasters International.